Why are the police blowing their whistles over there?
    Bad guys are on their way..
    The screens are empty... what is there to see ?
    It's starting soon
    bad guys are actually on their way
    I thought there was a CD up in the sky
    What if all these people around us, like over 100 people
    what if I paid them all to protect me
    What are you filming?
    Has there ever been anyone who went to see...
    who went to see a spaceship take off
    and it just exploded? in the sky
    Yes, that is sad
    Has that ever happened before?
    It's happened before
    hold this for a second, i'm going to take one more photo
    Where did my dad go?
    I knew earlier we should've gone the other way
    this is bad
    Why do you keep filming me?
    I hate being filmed.